embossed images,
with the first free e-learning system
Digital Library
Online Editor
Companion app
Free access
Now, we are here:
Help us develop the whole THATS package and launch the app this year!
The representation of an image can be seen by a visually impaired person, also, if it’s on an embossed support and assigned to an audio description.
The present technology offers us the possibility to identify objects, but THATS does much more than that: it creates spatial images in the mind of a blind person.”
THATS founder

Our users will find in the THATS digital library images with audio descriptions, on varied topics (and languages), from textbooks to audio comics. The images can be downloaded and printed on embossed paper for finger tracking.
THATS companion app recognizes images thanks to printed QR codes. The user grasps these tactile images by listening to the explanations while exploring them by hand. With the smartphone on a holder and its camera facing the tactile image, the user indicates with his finger a certain area he wants explained and the description is played.
Users such as teachers, parents or other authors will be able to create images and audio descriptions with the THATS online editor. The images will be assigned audio recordings or written descriptions (turned into audio by synthetic voices). All the files are uploaded in the THATS digital library, available to any user.
Help us spread the word!
Give the blind and the visually impaired a better life
through access to knowledge and entertainment!